The Tyler Clementi Foundation invites you to join us as a sustaining monthly Upstander! The first 100 sustaining Upstanders from now through the end of May 2023 will receive a limited edition Tyler Clementi Foundation Mug.
Become a Sustaining Member of the Tyler Clementi Foundation and help us reach more schools, faith communities and organizations with our messages of anti-bullying, inclusion, and kindness!
Members will get a special twice-a-year newsletter, a membership card and know that they’re helping us serve our communities year round.
Our Membership Group Names are formed from Tyler’s love of the violin.
For more information on all Tyler Clementi Foundation Membership programs,
please contact Adam R. Reese at Adam@TylerClementi.org
Suzuki Circle – $25 Monthly Upstander
Intended for College and Grad School Students
Benefits: Upstander Membership Card, Tyler Clementi Foundation Membership Newsletter and Special Invitations to Upstander Generation events (Tyler Clementi Foundation’s Young Professionals Group)
The Unicycle Circle – $35 Monthly Upstander
Intended for Young Professionals
Benefits: Upstander Membership Card, Tyler Clementi Foundation Newsletter, invitation to Upstander Generation events, and special recognition as an Upstander Member on our website.
The First Chair Society – $50 Monthly Upstander
Benefits: Upstander Membership Card, Newsletter, and special recognition as an Upstander Member listed on our website. Early invitations to special events and early bird pricing for our Upstander Legacy Celebration.
The Fiddlers Circle – $100 Monthly Upstander
Benefits: Upstander Membership Card, Newsletter, and special recognition as an Upstander Member listed on our website. Early invitations to special events and early bird pricing for our Upstander Legacy Celebration. One call with Jane Clementi, to assist with your #Day1 programming for your organization. Listed as a sustaining Upstander in our E-Journal at our annual Upstander Legacy Celebration.
The Concertmasters – $250 Monthly Upstander
Benefits: Upstander Membership Card, Newsletter, and special recognition as an Upstander Member listed on our website. Early invitations to special events and early bird pricing for our Upstander Legacy Celebration. Up to three calls with Jane Clementi, to assist with your #Day1 programming for your organization. Listed as “Charter Member” in our Annual Report and recognized as a sustaining Upstander in our E-Journal at our annual Upstander Legacy Celebration.