Upstander Pledge

I pledge to not remain a passive bystander but rather be an active Upstander when I witness bullying behavior.

As an Upstander;

I will intervene whenever I see or hear anyone being targeted with bullying behavior; whether I’m at school, at home, at work, or in my faith community; whether I am speaking in digital spaces or out in the real world with friends, family, colleagues or teammates. 

  • I will interrupt the bullying behavior if it feels safe to do so.  I will intervene respectfully by saying: “please stop!”. 
  • I will inform a trusted adult or person of authority or trusted adult about what I saw or heard. I will also encourage the person I saw being bullied to report it, too. 
  • I will interact by reaching out to the person who was targeted and let them know that bullying is never OK with me, and ask how I can help or assist them to get the help they need. 

I will choose words and actions that show my respect, kindness, and compassion for all people and always make everyone feel included and safe

I will not speak or act negatively about how another person is different from me; including their race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, home language, body shape or size, skin color, ability level, or any other real or perceived difference.  Instead, I will choose to learn about and celebrate what makes them unique, special, and precious.  If I hear others speaking or acting negatively because of someone’s differences, I will choose to be an Upstander and speak up.

If I learn in person or online that someone is feeling seriously depressed or potentially suicidal, I will reach out and tell this person, “Your life has value and is important, no matter how you feel at the moment, and no matter what others say or think.”  I will strongly encourage this person to get professional help.

I pledge to be an Upstander!


***Once you complete the below form you will receive an email to download the PDF and ways to promote an Upstander culture wherever you are! 




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