Statement from Catholic Bishops

If you are a Catholic Bishop and would like to add your name, please email

If you would like to share your gratitude to the Catholic Bishops who have boldly and courageously added their names to this statement, please click here.

If your Bishop hasn’t signed, please reach out and encourage him to join us in sharing love and hope into our world.

  • Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin
  • Cardinal Robert McElroy
  • Archbishop John C. Wester 
  • Bishop Steven Biegler
  • Bishop John P. Dolan
  • Bishop Thomas Gumbleton
  • Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz
  • Bishop Denis Madden 
  • Bishop Ricardo Ramirez 
  • Bishop Alberto Rojas
  • Bishop Oscar A. Solis
  • Bishop John Stowe 
  • Bishop Anthony B. Taylor
  • Bishop Edward Weisenburger

Catholic Parishes, Religious Orders, Organizations, and Schools supporting the Statement

176 as of 02/10/2023

  1. Saint James Cathedral in Seattle, WA
  2. Bellarmine Chapel, Cincinnati, OH
  3. Catholic Community of Christ Our Light, Cherry Hill, NJ
  4. Catholic Community of Sacred Heart in Hopedale, Massachusetts
  5. Christ our Hope in Seattle, WA
  6. Gesu Parish Detroit, MI
  7. Historic Saint Paul Catholic Church, Lexington, KY
  8. Holy Trinity Parish, Washington, DC
  9. Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, Bourbonnais, IL
  10. Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity, Silver Spring, MD
  11. Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Parish in West Seattle, WA
  12. Padre Serra Parrish, Camarillo, CA
  13. Parish of Saint Francis de Sales, New York, NY
  14. Paulist Center, Boston, MA
  15. Resurrection Catholic Parish, Green Bay, WI
  16. Saint Cecilia Parish, Boston, MA
  17. Saint Margaret of Scotland, St. Louis, MO
  18. Saint Vincent De Paul, Albany, NY
  19. Saint Athanasius and St. Rose of Lima, Baltimore, MD
  20. St Frances Cabrini, Minneapolis, MN
  21. Saint Francis Of Rome Catholic Church, Riverbank, CA
  22. Saint Francis Xavier, New York, NY
  23. Saint Joseph Parish, Seattle, WA
  24. Saint Leo the Great Parish, Tacoma, WA
  25. Saint Mary Catholic Faith Community, Hales Corners, WI
  26. Saint Patrick Catholic Church, Memphis, TN
  27. Saint Patrick Parish, Whitinsville, MA
  28. Saint Teresa of Avila Catholic Parish, Chicago, IL
  29. Saint Thomas More Catholic Church, St Paul, MN
  30. Saint Thomas of Villanova, Rosemont, PA
  31. Saint Vincent de Paul Parish, Chicago, IL

  1. Leadership Conference of Women Religious
  2. Adorers of the Blood of Christ, U.S. Region
  3. Adrian Dominican Sisters
  4. Association of US Catholic Priests
  5. Atlantic Midwest Province of the School Sisters of Notre Dame
  6. Basilian Fathers *
  7. Benedictine Sisters of Chicago
  8. Carmelite Sisters of Baltimore
  9. Clerics of St. Viator
  10. Congregation of Divine Providence, San Antonio, TX
  11. Congregation of Saint Joseph
  12. Congregation of the Holy Spirit
  13. Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) Western Province
  14. Congregation of the Infant Jesus, Rockville Centre, NY
  15. Congregation of the Most Holy Redemer (Redemptorists), Dever, CO
  16. Dominican Sisters and Associates, Tacoma WA
  17. Dominican Friars, Central Province
  18. Dominican Sisters – Grand Rapids
  19. Dominican Sisters of Hope
  20. Dominican Sisters of Houston
  21. Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose
  22. Dominican Sisters of Peace
  23. Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa
  24. Dominican Sisters of Sparkill, New York
  25. Edmund Rice Christian Brothers North America, Province Leadership Team
  26. Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn
  27. Franciscan Sisters of Allegany
  28. Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
  29. Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
  30. Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart
  31. IHM Sisters of Monroe, Michigan – Leadership Council
  32. Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States
  33. Leadership Team for US-EW Province Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
  34. Leadership Team of Sisters of the Congregation de Notre Dame, Blessed Sacrament Province, USA
  35. Leadership Team Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace
  36. Leadership Team, US Province, School Sisters of St. Francis
  37. Loretto Sisters/Loretto Community
  38. Marianist Province of the United States
  39. Marianites of Holy Cross
  40. Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers
  41. Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, Inc.
  42. Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart
  43. Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, U.S. Province
  44. Missionaries of the Precious Blood – Cincinnati Province
  45. Missionaries of the Precious Blood – Kansas City Province Justice and Peace Committee
  46. Moreau Province of the Congregation of Holy Cross
  47. OMI Lacombe Canada
  48. Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters
  49. Paulist Fathers
  50. Provincial Council of the USA Province of Marist Brothers
  51. Religious Brothers Conference
  52. School Sisters of Notre Dame, Central Pacific Province
  53. Sisters of Bon Secours, USA
  54. Sisters of Charity of Nazareth
  55. Sisters of Charity of New York
  56. Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  57. Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word – San Antonio, TX
  58. Sisters of Divine Providence
  59. Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
  60. Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods
  61. Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York
  62. Sisters of Saint Dominic of Caldwell
  63. Sisters of Saint Francis, Rochester, MN
  64. Sisters of Saint Francis of Sylvania, Ohio
  65. Sisters of Saint Joseph
  66. Sisters of Saint Joseph of Baden, PA
  67. Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet, Albany NY Province
  68. Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chambéry
  69. Sisters of Saint Ursula
  70. Sisters of Saint Benedict of Ferdinand, Indiana
  71. Sisters of Saint Francis of Philadelphia.
  72. Sisters of Saint Joseph of Orange
  73. Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis
  74. Sisters of the Divine Compassion, White Plains, NY
  75. Sisters of the Good Shepherd New York/Toronto Province
  76. Sisters of the Holy Names U.S.-Ontario Province Leadership Team
  77. Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict – St. Joseph, MN
  78. Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Scranton, PA
  79. Society of Mount Carmel – Order of Carmelites
  80. Society of Saint Edmund (Edmundites)
  81. Society of the Divine Savior, USA Province
  82. Society of the Holy Child Jesus – American Province
  83. Society of the Sacred Heart USC Province
  84. The Congregational Leadership Team of The Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
  85. The Leadership of the Franciscan Friars of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Province, Holy Name Province, Our Lady of Guadalupe Province, Sacred Heart Province, St. Barbara Province and Saint John the Baptist Province
  86. The Leadership Team of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (District of Eastern North America)
  87. The Leadership Team of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, IL
  88. The Leadership Team of the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville
  89. The Presentation Sisters of Dubuque Iowa
  90. U.S. Federation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph
  91. U.S. Province, Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate
  92. Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland, OH
  93. Ursuline Sisters of Louisville, KY
  94. Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown
  95. Ursulines of the Roman Union – USA Provinces
  96. Xaverian Brothers

  1. Alliance of Catholic Healthy Care – Sacramento
  2. Call To Action
  3. Catholic Committee of Appalachia
  4. Center for FaithJustice
  5. Common Spirit Health
  6. Cristo Rey Network
  7. Dignity Health
  8. Diocese of Lexington LGBT Ministry
  9. Fortunate Families, Inc.
  10. Grotto Network
  11. Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC)
  12. Ignatian West
  13. Institute for Catholic Thought and Culture, Seattle University
  14. International Movement of Catholic Students – Pax Romana
  15. Jesuit Volunteer Corps (JVC) Northwest
  16. Jesuit Volunteer Corps,
  17. Marianist Lay Community of North America (MLC-NA)
  18. Maryknoll Lay Missioners
  19. Out in the Diocese of Allentown
  20. Passionist Solidarity Network
  21. Providence
  22. The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, Inc.
  23. The Southern California Partners for Global Justice
  24. United Catholic Youth Ministries in Evanston, Illinois,
  25. Ursuline Ministries
  26. Wijngaards Institute for Catholic Research

  1. Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU)
  2. Cabrini University
  3. Carlow University
  4. Chestnut Hill College
  5. Christian Brothers University
  6. DePaul University Mission and Ministry
  7. DeSales University
  8. Edgewood College
  9. Jesuit Schools Network
  10. Josephinum Academy of the Sacred Heart
  11. Junipero Serra High School
  12. Holy Child Network of Schools
  13. Holy Names University
  14. Holy Trinity School
  15. Lewis University
  16. Loyola University of Chicago
  17. Mercy Education
  18. Presentation Academy
  19. Saint Edward’s University, a Holy Cross Institution
  20. Saint John’s High School, Shrewsbury, MA 
  21. Saint John’s University, New York
  22. Saint Joseph’s College of Maine
  23. Seattle University
  24. University of Saint Michael’s College


*If you are a Catholic Order, Organization or School and you would like to add your support, please email


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